
Reduction of azides to primary amines


el Jueves, 5 de Diciembre 2024


15:00 Europe/Paris

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Agenda del evento


Organic azides are versatile nitrogen intermediates in organic chemistry and biochemistry, and their transformation into amines provides a broad scope of applications. In this new AtlanChim Pharma webinar, we will illustrate the most significant methodologies described in recent work for reducing azides to the corresponding amines, through recent examples from medicinal chemistry and total synthesis of natural products. While azide hydrogenation and the Staudinger reaction are widely used, we will also focus on less conventional methodologies.


His current research activity concerns the synthesis of biologically active molecules in the fields of cancer, viral pathologies and neurodegenerative diseases, through academic and industrial collaborations. He is also strongly involved in the understanding of biological mechanisms through the synthesis of molecules labeled by non-radioactive isotopes.

Member of the scientific committee of the European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2004-14), Current Organic Synthesis (2004-18) and Molecules, Medicinal Chemistry Section (2020- ).
Member of the National Scientific Research Committee (CNRS - section 12) (2012-21) and member of HCERES (Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur – ST4) (2022-26).

Founding partner of the CRO AtlanchimPharma (custom fine chemistry and synthesis of stable isotope labeled molecules) and consultant (since 2004). Professor at the University of Nantes (CEISAM, UMR-CNRS 6513 - Symbiose group (Multi-step synthesis and bioscience)) Co-author of about 190 publications (h-index 36) and 18 patents (including two with exploitation license and one know-how license), and more than 120 seminars.